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                         Top Songs for Week of 03/09/25

          Title                         Artist                    Album

  1. Somebody Prayed                Crowder                       
  2. Running Back To You            Seph Schlueter                
  3. Still Waters (Psalm 23)        Leanna Crawford               
  4. Up + Up                        Colton Dixon                  
  5. The Truth                      Megan Woods                   The Truth - Single
  6. Again                          Jeremy Camp                   
  7. That's Who I Praise            Brandon Lake                  
  8. Hard Fought Hallelujah         Brandon Lake                  
  9. Desperate                      Jamie MacDonald               
 10. Place In This World            for King & Country + Michael W
 11. The Cross                      Anne Wilson with Chris Tomlin 
 12. Praise God for That            Jordan Feliz                  
 13. Unashamed                      Matthew West                  USA5W2400361
 14. Money Can't Buy                Cochren & Co                  
 15. Goodbye Yesterday              Elevation Rhythm              
 16. A Lil' Church(Nobody's 2 Lost) TobyMac                       
 17. Jordans                        Blessing Offor                
 18. Whisper And The Wind           Bodie                         
 19. No Fear                        Jon Reddick                   
 20. Never Get Used To This         Forrest Frank                 Child Of God